Pick up & Return
When you have found a book or journal in LUBcat, located at the LUX-, or SOL- or Asia Library, with the status Available, you can collect it yourself from the shelf in the respective library. Some books at the SOL Library are placed in storage and must be ordered via LUBcat.
In most cases, you can order a book from and to any Lund University library. You order the book in LUBcat. However, there are some limitations to this general rule, please contact us if you have any questions.
Loans on behalf of another person can be picked up by a messenger. The messenger is to show the borrower’s library card and photo ID and should be ready to show his or her own valid photo ID upon request.
Returns on behalf of others can be made without bringing the other persons documents.
A book or journal that is in storage must be ordered via LUBcat. If you have added an email address to your library account, an email will be sent to you.
If you order a journal from our closed stacks at SOL, the journal will be available for collection after 12.00 the next working day at the SOL Library. If you order a journal from our closed stacks at the Asia Library you will get a notofication when the journal is available to pick up. Journals are not sent to other libraries, and are only available for use in the library.
You can return books in the check-in machine during the libraries opening hours. Next to the LUX Library entrance, there is a book drop which can be used when the library is closed (however, this can only be accessed when the LUX building is open). There is a box outside the Asia Library as well, where you can return books when the building is open.
The nearest returns hatch that can be accessed at any time, is located on the west side of the Lund University Library.
Books dropped in a returns hatch och box are registered in the system as returned the next working day. Textbooks that are overdue by then, will generate an overdue fee.
Our books can be returned at any of the libraries at Lund University.