Distance Students

If you have been admitted to a distance learning course at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology and cannot visit us in person, you can still make the most of the library's services.

With your Student account, you get access from home to all e-books, e-journals and databases, that the libraries at Lund University subscribe to. All electronic resources can be found via the search service LUBsearch, log in with your Student account. A user name and password are sent to you once you have registered at Lund University.

Click on the headlines below to find out how to get your printed course books sent to you as distance loans.

If you do not already have a library card from one of the libraries at Lund University, register a library account and then send an email to: 


State your name, personal identity number, address, email address and the course you are taking (state the course code). Permission to borrow material from the libraries at Lund University is subject to our common terms and conditions för loans, which are presented to you when you register your library account at the same time as you are asked to cosent to them.

Once your library card is ready, you can request literature and have it sent home on the condition that the book is available for off-site loans. This service is available within Scandinavia. Reference books and journals may not be removed from the library. You can request both course books (category kursbok) and other books from the collections at the HT Libraries. The loan period for course books is 14 days plus three extra days for shipping. Other books can be checked out for at least 4 weeks and a maximum of 6 months.

Please note that you are responsible for the cost of postage when you return your long-distance loans. If you return a course book late, you will be charged a late fee of SEK 10/day and book.

Our books can be found in the library catalogue LUBcat. When you have found what you want and established that the material is available, send an email to distanshtbibl.luse. State the author and title, and whether you want a particular edition.

If you are able to make your way to one of the Libraries at Lund University in Malmö or Helsingborg, you do not have to make a long-distance loan. Instead, you may proceed by ordering the book directly via LUBcat to your preferred library.

If a book you want is currently checked out, you can reserve it. Please email distanshtbibl.luse for assistance.

For coursebooks: Unless anyone else is queueing for the book you have borrowed, the loan will automatically be renewed and you can keep it for 2 more weeks. There is maximum of 5 automatic renewals.

Books at the HT Libraries, which aren't course books, have a loan period of 28 days, with 5 automatic renewals, if there is no request. Check your due dates on your account in LUBcat.

Return your loans by sending them to the LUX Library. Please use the following address if the item weighs under 2 kilos:

Lund University
LUX Library
P.O. box 192
SE-22100 Lund

If the item weighs 2 kilos or more, please use the following address:

Lund University
LUX Library
Helgonavägen 3 (Entré D)
S-223 62 Lund

 We welcome your enquiries!

Service for distance students

Information about the libraries' services for students taking a distance learning course.

Student Portal & Student Account

You need your student account to access electronic books and articles from home.

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