Subject Guides
Are you looking for materials within a certain subject? You can take a look at your subject guide, search by subject in the library catalogues or contact your subject librarian.
All subject guides for the subjects represented at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology can be found below. The subject guides have been created, and are updated by the subject librarians. The subject librarian is the libraries' main point of contact for the subject covered in the guide. The guides present a collection of important resources within each subject, and can be a useful starting point when looking for relevant materials and resources. The subject guides include links to databases, journals or e-books, but they may also cover topics such as plagiarism and referencing.
- Arabic Language and Literature
- Asian Studies
- Archaeology and ancient history
- Art History and Visual Culture
- Ethnology and Cultural analysis
- Hebrew Language and Literature
- Human Rights Studies
- International Master's Programme: Literature - Culture - Media
- Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics Programme
- Middle East Studies
- Patristics
- Religious Roots of Europe (RRE)
- Yiddish Studies
- ABM (arkivvetenskap, biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap och museologi)
- Arabic Language and Literature
- Archaeology and ancient history
- Arkeologi och antikens historia
- Arkivmaterial
- Art History and Visual Culture
- Asian Studies
- Bokhistoria
- Digitala kulturer
- Engelska
- English
- Etik
- Ethnology and Cultural analysis
- Etnologi
- Europastudier
- Filmvetenskap
- Filosofi och kognitionsvetenskap
- Franska
- Förlags- och bokmarknadskunskap
- Gamla testamentets exegetik
- Hebrew Language and Literature
- Historia
- Human Rights Studies
- Idé- och lärdomshistoria
- Intermediala studier
- International Master's Programme: Literature - Culture - Media
- Islamologi
- Italienska
- Japanska
- Judaistik
- Kinesiska
- Klassisk grekiska
- Kommunikation och medier
- Konsthistoria och visuella studier
- Kyrkohistoria
- Latin
- Linguistics
- Litteraturvetenskap
- Master of Arts in Language and Linguistics Programme
- Middle East Studies
- Missionsvetenskap med ekumenik
- Modevetenskap
- Musikvetenskap
- Mänskliga rättigheter
- Nordiska språk
- Nya testamentets exegetik
- Nygrekiska
- Patristics
- Patristik
- Praktisk teologi
- Religionsbeteendevetenskap
- Religionsfilosofi med etik
- Religionshistoria
- Religious Roots of Europe (RRE)
- Ryska
- Spanska
- Systematisk teologi
- Tyska
- Vetenskaplig grundkurs
- Yiddish Studies
- Översättarutbildningen