Linking Correctly

It is important that you use stable and safe links when linking to for instance an e-article or an e-book. Links to licensed material must work both within and outside campus. Depending on what you are linking to, the URL that is visible in the address field can be used. Below, you can find more information about linking to our catalogues and databases.

Links to LUBcat

When you have found a book or journal in LUBcat, use the link that has been generated in the address field.

Links to LUBsearch

If you want to link to the LUBsearch main page, use the following link that works both within and outside university campus:

Links to individual books, articles or databases.

How to find a stable link to a particular book or article:

  • Find the title and open the item record.
  • Click on Permalink in the right-hand menu.
  • Copy and use the link that appears above the title.

How to find a stable link to a database:

  • Find the database in Databases A-Z and click on the i-button to the right of the title.
  • Right-click on the title of the database and select Copy Link Location.
  • Paste the copied link to a location of your choice.

Creating stable links to licensed electronic resources

If you have a link to an e-book, e-article or database, that you have found elsewhere (not via LUBcat or LUBsearch), you need to add a string to the URL in order to make it accessible to everyone who has a LUCAT or a Student Account (within and outside campus).

Add the following: just before the URL.

The link should now look like this example:

Please note that if you link to an Open Access resource, do not add the above Ludwig-string, since it will result in the link not working at all. 

Computer with LUBsearch open and book shelves in the background
Foto: Anja Hoppe.


Find books, articles, journals and databases here.

Foto: Kimberley Farmer


Search in our library catalogue.

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