Books and eBooks

To find books, you can search the Lund University Library catalogue LUBcat, the national search service LIBRIS, or use LUBsearch which is the joint search service for Lund University Libraries' collections.

Find Books at Lund University

LUBcat is the shared catalogue for the libraries at Lund University. In the catalogue, you can find books and journals - both printed and electronic - dissertations, reports, movies, music scores and audio recordings. There, you can also see at which library, and on which shelf, the material is located, as well as whether it is available. When logged in, you can view your loans, queue for checked-out books and reserve material. Click on Shelf Locations to read more about how the books at the Asia-, LUX- and SOL Library are organised.

Via LUBsearch, you can find books and ebooks as well as articles and journals. You can do a quick search in the search box on the main page, and then limit your search results, by selecting Books or eBooks under Material Types. You can also choose to search in e-Publications which you can find in the top left hand corner of the LUBsearch page. In ePublications, you can find all e-books and e-journals that the Lund University Libraries have purchased or subscribe to.

Catalogue –1957, is a digitised card catalogue where you can search for Lund University Library’s (UB) older material. The catalogue lists holdings printed 1957 or earlier. Try Catalogue –1957 if you are looking for something printed before 1957, and cannot find it in LUBcat.

Information about how to use the catalogue and how to order material on the catalogue's help page

In order to access an ebook, you must use one of the libraries' computers or log in with your LUCAT or Student account.

The fulltext links can vary in appearance. In LUBcat, you find the book via the link Fulltext Online and in LUBsearch, you can see the link via a pdf- or or Full Text Finder icon. New ebooks are usually available earlier through LUBsearch than LUBcat.

If you wish to read more about ebooks at Lund University, go to the libraries' subject guide on how to borrow ebooks, terms and conditions and so on.

If you have any problems accessing an ebook that you find in LUBcat or LUBsearch, please contact us.

Students and PhD students with dyslexia, visual impairments, or other reading disabilities can get assistance in accessing course literature in alternative formats, such as talking books or braille.

More information and our contact details on our website

Find Books at Other Libraries

Sweden’s national library search service is called LIBRIS, here you can find information about titles such as e-books, journals, rapports and e-books held by research libraries and major public libraries in Sweden.

Oria is a search engine that lets you search through the collections at Norweigan university- and special libraries. is a Danish catalouge where you can search for material available there.

KVK - Karlsruher virtueller Katalog is a bibliographical service administrated by Universität Karlsruhe, Germanys oldest college. You can search through a lagre number of German, Austrian, Swiss and other library catalogues.

Worldcat is a union catalog that itemizes the collections of 72,000 libraries in 170 countries and territories.

If you need a book that is not available through the Lund University Libraries, you can make an interlibrary loan. Read more about how to make an interlibrary loan request here.

We also welcome Acquisition Requests for books, journals and databases that you think we should include in the library collection.

Guide on Talking Books

Information on how to download and use Talking Books.

Password Portal

Have you forgotten your password to your LUCAT or Student account? Click here to set a new password.

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